Easter Day is around the corner

Do you know what is Easter Day all about?

This is the day Christians all around the world celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from His death. Eggs play a part in the celebration. They symbolize new life. The first eggs given during Easter were birds' eggs. These eggs were painted in bright colours to give them further meaning as gifts.

Now, you can make your very own Easter eggs! They'll be extra special because you make them yourself!

Miss Chai will let you know how.

1. Obviously, you need eggs!! Make a hole and get rid of the white & the yolk.

2. What else?
1) Gypsum powder
2) Cup
3) Water
4) Spray
5) Water colour & brush

3. Dilute the gypsum powder in the cup with water. Keep stirring it & stir fast!
Tips: Stir fast. The gypsum powder will harden very fast.

4. Pour the mixed gypsum powder into the empty egg shell.

5. Put aside. Wait till the gypsum powder harden. Then peel the egg shell off.
Tips: When the powder is still watery, the egg shell is cold. The egg shell turned warm when the powder becomes hard.

6. Colour the harden egg-shaped gypsum as you like.
Tips: Spray it after coloured to keep the colour fast and bright.

7. Completed Easter egg!!
How do you like it?

Drawings of the Month 2007 (February)

This month, I've selected 4 drawings.

Keep it up guys~~

Teo Wei Shen (10)

Tai Jia Yi (15)

Wee Wen Li (12)

Tai Xing Yi (15)
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